Quadratic Equations Lesson-9, Day-4 Kindly click on the link below to fill in your attendance. No attendance will be granted via the comment section until further notice. Please make it a point to fill the attendance form as soon as you are through with the blog. Please put your last name first while filling the form (just as it is in the class lists) ATTENDANCE CLASS 10 B https://forms.gle/i2iJodp7E4cTX13r5 Good Morning 😎 Let us go through the guidelines for the blog once again: · Red , is to be 🖉 in your 📖 · B lue is to be 👀 by ➤ · G reen is to be 💬 🖉 📗 for home work take your SET-A Mathematics 📖 Our 📃 . It will be 👍, if you use good presentation and cursive 📃 ...